a series of fast portraits inspired by my former teacher andrea modica. aproximately 1 hour is spent with 1 subject using 1 lens with the result being 21 photos and a story.
selections have appeared in American Photographer, Dark Room Gallery, and SoHo Photo Gallery

is a dance student from france living in new york city. she's been at various schools, living away from her family, since the age of 13.

is a widowed sportsman splitting his time between florida and new jersey. he's trying to enjoy the present, but always reminded of the past.

is a professional dancer who loves the golden age of travel epitomized by grand central terminal in new york city.

lives in new york city and engages her creative side through poetry, dance, and music.

lives in austin. he quit shaving when his father was diagnosed with cancer. thankfully, he's in remission (and drew is now clean shaven).