
their teeth were biting emptiness

a small selection from
a series inspired by
dante alghieri's
the divine comedy
visualized through big sur
and the pacific coast

'I found myself within a shadowed forest, for I had lost the path that does not stray.'

'I found myself within a shadowed forest, for I had lost the path that does not stray.'

inferno: the vestibule
big sur 2015

'I reached a place where every light was muted'

'I reached a place where every light was muted'

inferno: circle two (lust)
carmel 2015

'silence here is just as seemly as our speech was there'

'silence here is just as seemly as our speech was there'

inferno: circle one (limbo)
big sur 2015

'we took the circling way traced by that road'

'we took the circling way traced by that road'

inferno: circle three (gluttony)
big sur 2015

'even as waves that break above charybdis, each shattering the other when they meet, so must the spirits here dance their round dance.'

'even as waves that break above charybdis, each shattering the other when they meet, so must the spirits here dance their round dance.'

inferno: circle four (greed)
big sur 2015

'so we arrived inside the deep-cut trenches that are the moats of this despondent land.'

'so we arrived inside the deep-cut trenches that are the moats of this despondent land.'

inferno: circle five (anger)
big sur 2015

'for now we near the stream of blood, where those who injure others violently boil.'

'for now we near the stream of blood, where those who injure others violently boil.'

inferno: circle seven (violence)
big sur 2015

'right in the middle of this evil field is an abyss, a dark and yawning pit.'

'right in the middle of this evil field is an abyss, a dark and yawning pit.'

inferno: circle eight (fraud)
big sur 2015

'my guide and I came on that hidden road to make our way back into the bright world'

'my guide and I came on that hidden road to make our way back into the bright world'

inferno: circle nine (treachery)
big sur 2015

'i set my vision toward the slope that rises most steeply, up to heaven from the sea.'

'i set my vision toward the slope that rises most steeply, up to heaven from the sea.'

purgatorio: ante-purgatory (the excommunicate)
big sur 2015 

'it was the hour that turns seafarers' longings homeward'

'it was the hour that turns seafarers' longings homeward'

purgatorio: ante-purgatory (the late penitent)
carmel 2015

'the dead seemed dead and the alive, alive'

'the dead seemed dead and the alive, alive'

purgatorio: terrace one (the proud)
carmel 2015

'the river starts it's miserable course'

'the river starts it's miserable course'

purgatorio: terrace two (the envious)
big sur 2015

'you see the rays that penetrate the smoke already whitening'

'you see the rays that penetrate the smoke already whitening'

purgatorio: terrace three (the wrathful)
big sur 2015

'the soul, which is created quick to love, responds to everything that pleases, just as soon as beauty wakens it to act'

'the soul, which is created quick to love, responds to everything that pleases, just as soon as beauty wakens it to act'

purgatorio: terrace four (the slothful)
big sur 2015

'so did my gaze loosen her tongue and then, in little time, set her contorted limbs in perfect order'

'so did my gaze loosen her tongue and then, in little time, set her contorted limbs in perfect order'

purgatorio: terrace five (the covetous)
big sur 2015

'their teeth were biting emptiness'

'their teeth were biting emptiness'

purgatorio: terrace six (the gluttonous)
big sur 2015

'so there, where the souls stopped, the nearby air takes on the form that soul impressed on it'

'so there, where the souls stopped, the nearby air takes on the form that soul impressed on it'

purgatorio: terrace seven (the lustful)
big sur 2015

'as new trees are renewed when they bring forth new boughs, I was pure and prepared to climb into the stars'

'as new trees are renewed when they bring forth new boughs, I was pure and prepared to climb into the stars'

purgatorio: the earthly paradise
big sur 2015

'do not be like the feather at each wind, nor think that all immersions wash you clean'

'do not be like the feather at each wind, nor think that all immersions wash you clean'

paradisio: first sphere (the moon: the inconstant)
big sur 2015 

'and when desires tend toward earthly ends, then, so deflected, rays of the true love mount toward the life above with lesser force.'

'and when desires tend toward earthly ends, then, so deflected, rays of the true love mount toward the life above with lesser force.'

paradisio: second sphere (mercury: the ambitious)
big sur 2015 

'and now the life-soul of that holy light turned to the sun that fills it even as the goodness that suffices for all things'

'and now the life-soul of that holy light turned to the sun that fills it even as the goodness that suffices for all things'

paradisio: third sphere (venus: the lovers)
big sur 2015 

'next you can see the radiance of that candle which, in the flesh, below, beheld most deeply the angels' nature and their ministry.'

'next you can see the radiance of that candle which, in the flesh, below, beheld most deeply the angels' nature and their ministry.'

paradisio: fourth sphere (the sun: the wise)
big sur 2015

'how time is hurrying toward me'

'how time is hurrying toward me'

paradisio: fifth sphere (mars: the warriors of the faith)
big sur 2015 

'i seemed to hear the murmur of a torrent that, limpid, falls from rock to rock'

'i seemed to hear the murmur of a torrent that, limpid, falls from rock to rock'

paradisio: sixth sphere (jupiter: the just rulers)
big sur 2015 

'the mind, bright here, on earth is dulled and smoky'

'the mind, bright here, on earth is dulled and smoky'

paradisio: seventh sphere (saturn: the contemplatives)
big sur 2015 

'so did my lady stand, erect, intent, turned toward that part of heaven under which the sun is given to less haste'

'so did my lady stand, erect, intent, turned toward that part of heaven under which the sun is given to less haste'

paradisio: eighth sphere (the fixed stars: faith, hope, and love)
big sur 2015

'if my longing is to gain its end'

'if my longing is to gain its end'

paradisio: ninth sphere (the primum mobile: the angels)
big sur 2015

'eternal light, you only dwell within yourself, and only you know you'

'eternal light, you only dwell within yourself, and only you know you'

paradisio: the empyrean
big sur 2015